web accessibility: form basics: labels



~3 min read


463 words

For accessibility purposes all form inputs should be labelled. How do we apply a label though?

There are multiple ways to add a label, but the two basic approaches are:

  1. Use a label to wrap the input
  2. Tie the label to the input by associating the label’s for (or htmlFor in React) attribute to the input’s id

In addition, we also have ARIA for more complicated situations where we need multiple relationships.


<label>First Name <input id="firstName" type="text" /></label>
<label for="first-name">First Name</label> <input id="first-name" type="text" />

Required Inputs

<label>First Name <input id="first-name" type="text" /></label>
<label for="first-name">First Name</label> <input id="first-name" type="text" />

ARIA Labelled By and Described By

Unlike the label which finds the field it’s a label for, the ARIA attributes seek out their labels and descriptions.

<label for"id"> -> <input> <p id="label"> <- <input aria-labelledby="label"> <p id="label"> <- <input aria-describedby="description">

ARIA LabelledBy

You can also have multiple labels using ARIA.

<p id="additional-label">An additional label</p>
<label for="first-name">First name</label>
  aria-labelledby="first-name additional-label"

ARIA Described By

In addition to labels, ARIA offers a described by attribute. Like aria-labelledby, aria-describedby is tied to the id attribute.

For example

<p id="additional-label">An additional label</p>
<label for="first-name">First name</label>
  aria-labelledby="first-name additional-label"
<em id="first-name-note">A note about the first name</em>

One reason to use the describedBy attribute is to tie an error state with the field in error. For example:

<span id="phon" -error" class="error">Please enter a valid phone number.</span>
<input name="phone" type="tel" id="phone" aria-desicribedby="phone-error" />

Notes On Using ARIA

I was taught to not use ARIA unless it’s necessary (as in the case of more complicated situations and UI). In those situations, ARIA can be powerful, but understanding the differences between aria-labelledby and describedby is crucial.

For that, I found this post by Aaron Gustafson informative. He describes the differences in the following way:1

[aria-labelledby and aria-describedby] differ in when they are read. The aria-labelledby attribute replaces the associated label element (which is, of course, associated with the field via the label’s for attribute). The aria-describedby attribute, on the other hand, is read after the field type is stated.


When it comes to labeling and describing form inputs we have multiple options. We can use semantic HTML and use a label - either wrapping an input or tying it to the input through the for attribute.

Additionally, we have ARIA labelledby and describedby attributes for situations where there are multiple labels or if we need to augment a label with a description.


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