8 posts tagged with "ember"

    ember: functions as helpers



    ~3 min read


    560 words

    Recently I had to add a new setting to an application. The settings are saved in a Redux store. When the page loads, I wanted to present the…

    testing ember's glimmer components



    ~1 min read


    127 words

    We recently began updating some of our classic components to Glimmer and writing new components as Glimmer components. It was not initially…

    miragejs: generating reasonable data



    ~3 min read


    510 words

    MirageJS is an API mocking tool for Frontend developers and came out of the Ember community. It’s pretty awesome. Not only can you use it to…

    ember: testing services



    ~5 min read


    806 words

    Today, I built a small feature in Ember. In my ongoing effort to improve with testing, I was about ready to ask for a review when I realized…

    getters & setters



    ~1 min read


    84 words

    https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/get the use of getters seems to be much more common within the…

    ember: upgrade components from curly brace to angled brackets



    ~1 min read


    145 words

    I’m still new to Ember and I’m working with an app that’s been around for a minute, so we have a blend of styles. With Ember 3.15 (Octane…

    ember testing: speeding things up



    ~2 min read


    298 words

    I’ve been working with Ember’s QUnit test suite a lot lately. We have over 600 tests which means that waiting for them all to finish can…

    ember: navigating an application



    ~5 min read


    870 words

    Trying to understand a little more about ember and how data flows through the app - making as many parallels to a React app as I can. The…

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