capitalize the first letter of a string in javascript



~2 min read


389 words

I wanted to capitalize just the first letter of a string in Javascript.

As usual, there a number of ways to do this. Below I walk through three:

  1. Lodash’s capitalize method
  2. Using substring to split the string and toUpperCase to capitalize only a portion
  3. Using array destructuring to split the string and toUpperCase to capitalize only a portion

Lodash’s Capitalize

If you’re already using Lodash in your project, it has a very handy utility, _.capitalize that does exactly this. If you’re worried about importing the entire package, just for this this one utility, you can also tree-shake and only import capitalize. For example:

import capitalize from "lodash/capitalize"
// or...
const capitalize = require("lodash/capitalize")

const str = "something I want to capitalize"
console.log(str) // Something I want to capitalize

Javascript Built-Ins

On the other hand, if you are averse to Lodash, you can do this natively with Javascript built-in string methods:

const str = "something I want to capitalize"
const start = str.substring(0, 1).toUppercase()
const rest = str.substring(1)
console.log({ start, rest, together: start + rest }) // Object { start: 'S', rest: 'omething I want to capitalize', together: 'Something I want to capitalize'}

Javascript Built-Ins With Array Destructuring

I also found this site with a few other methods. My favorite was using array destructuring and template literals:

const str = "something I want to capitalize"
const [first,] = str
const capitalized = `${first.toUpperCase()}${rest.join("")}`
console.log({ first, rest, capitalized }) // Object { first: "s", rest: Array ["o", "m", "e", "t", "h", "i", "n", "g", " ", "I", " ", "w", "a", "n", "t", " ", "t", "o", " ", "c", "a", "p", "i", "t", "a", "l", "i", "z", "e"], capitalized: "Something I want to capitalize" }


As with most things, there are multiple ways to get to your destination. When it comes to capitalizing the first letter of a string with Javascript, these are just three. The one thing I would note is that while capitalize coerces its input into a string before any mutation, the other two solutions here do not. If you are not certain that str is a string type, it’s worth checking / coercing before getting a runtime error that str.toUpperCase is not a function because str isn’t actually a string.

Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!