axios and routing with baseurls



~2 min read


382 words

I was unifying multiple micro services into a single front-end. To do this efficiently, I wanted to create a single proxy that sat in front of the services and directed traffic as necessary.

Why Use baseURL

In order to get the services APIs to work directly, however, I needed to refactor away from absolute URLs since the APIs the services used would no longer recognize the source of the request.

This is where using Axios to manage my APIs really came in handy. From the Axios documents:

// baseURL will be prepended to url unless url is absolute.

// It can be convenient to set baseURL for an instance of axios to pass relative URLs

// to methods of that instance.

To set the baseURL use axios.create({ baseURL: '' }).

To make use of this new URL, however, it needs to be assigned to a variable - the documentation suggests instance: e.g., const instance = axios.create({ baseURL: '' });

Then, when you want to write your GET, instead of the standard axios.get(), you would use instance.get().

Examples of baseURLs

I’ve found two primary use cases for setting a baseURL so far:

  1. When I have services running on separate ports on my local machine during development.
  2. When I have services running on different deployed environments (e.g., AWS EC2)

In these cases, you might use the following:

  • axios.create({ baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080' }) for when the service is running on port 8080 locally
  • axios.create({ baseURL: '' }) for when you’re running the service on EC2.

Refactoring For baseURLs

Here’s an example of how I have refactored my response for the micro-service to take advantage of the URL I established using baseURL in my configuration:

// The original GET request which worked when the service ran on its own
    .then( (response) => {
      this.setState({ data : }) })
    .catch( (error) => { console.log( `The error of the axios GET is: -------> `, error); })

// Refactored GET request to take advantage of an example baseURL
  const instance = axios.create({ baseURL:'' });
    .then( (response) => {
      this.setState({ data : }) })
    .catch( (error) => { console.log(`The error of the axios GET is: -------> `, error); })

Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!